Canada Government Proactive Disclosure Travel Expenses

In today's data-driven world, transparency and accountability are fundamental principles of good governance. One crucial aspect of this accountability is the proactive disclosure of travel expenses by the Canadian government. In this analysis, we delve into the wealth of data available through the Canada Government Proactive Disclosure Travel Expenses dataset to gain insights and draw meaningful conclusions.

This analysis is based on a Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat dataset. The dataset consolidates all the Travel Expense reports submitted by federal institutions.
More information about Canada's Open Government visit: Open Canada
License: Open Government License - Canada

Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
ref_number text None
disclosure_group text None
title_en text None
title_fr text None
name text None
purpose_en text None
purpose_fr text None
start_date text None
end_date text None
destination_en text None
destination_fr text None
airfare text None
other_transport text None
lodging text None
meals text None
other_expenses text None
total text None
additional_comments_en text None
additional_comments_fr text None
owner_org text None
owner_org_title text None