Credit Card Fraud Detection

This is a group project from Durham College Capstone 1. Team members: Devy Ratnasari, Priyanka Singh, Gopika Shaji, Oluwole Ayodele, and Saurav Bisht. We used 5 different machine learning and 2 deep learning algorithms to classify transactions into fraud vs non-fraud. The datasets are dummy data from Kaggle and it has been split into 2 files, Train and Test. We combined 2 datasets to see the total number of data and the balance percentage before splitting it into train and test datasets.

EDA & Data Preprocessing

Exploratory Data Analysis is one of the major step to fine-tune the given dataset and performing data analysis to understand the insights of the key characteristics of various entities of the data set like column(s), row(s) by applying Pandas, NumPy, Statistical Methods, and Data visualization packages. Outcome of this phase are:

  1. Understanding and cleaning the given dataset.
  2. Understanding relationship between different features or columns and target variable.
  3. Provide guidelines for essential variables vs non-essential variables.
  4. Handling Missing values or human error.
  5. Identifying outliers.

#import the train dataset
dtrain = pd.read_csv('../dataset/fraudTrain.csv')

#import the test dataset
dtest = pd.read_csv('../dataset/fraudTest.csv')

#combine 2 datasets into 1
fullset = pd.concat([dtrain, dtest])

#delete the original data before merge to save memory
del dtrain, dtest

#see the structure of data

#print sample of data(the first 5 rows)
	(1852394, 23)
	Int64../index: 1852394 entries, 0 to 555718
	Data columns (total 23 columns):
	#   Column                 Dtype  
	---  ------                 -----  
	0   Unnamed: 0             int64  
	1   trans_date_trans_time  object 
	2   cc_num                 int64  
	3   merchant               object 
	4   category               object 
	5   amt                    float64
	6   first                  object 
	7   last                   object 
	8   gender                 object 
	9   street                 object 
	10  city                   object 
	11  state                  object 
	12  zip                    int64  
	13  lat                    float64
	14  long                   float64
	15  city_pop               int64  
	16  job                    object 
	17  dob                    object 
	18  trans_num              object 
	19  unix_time              int64  
	20  merch_lat              float64
	21  merch_long             float64
	22  is_fraud               int64  
	dtypes: float64(5), int64(6), object(12)
Unnamed: 0 trans_date_trans_time cc_num merchant category amt first last gender street ... lat long city_pop job dob trans_num unix_time merch_lat merch_long is_fraud
0 0 2019-01-01 00:00:18 2703186189652095 fraud_Rippin, Kub and Mann misc_net 4.97 Jennifer Banks F 561 Perry Cove ... 36.0788 -81.1781 3495 Psychologist, counselling 1988-03-09 0b242abb623afc578575680df30655b9 1325376018 36.011293 -82.048315 0
1 1 2019-01-01 00:00:44 630423337322 fraud_Heller, Gutmann and Zieme grocery_pos 107.23 Stephanie Gill F 43039 Riley Greens Suite 393 ... 48.8878 -118.2105 149 Special educational needs teacher 1978-06-21 1f76529f8574734946361c461b024d99 1325376044 49.159047 -118.186462 0
2 2 2019-01-01 00:00:51 38859492057661 fraud_Lind-Buckridge entertainment 220.11 Edward Sanchez M 594 White Dale Suite 530 ... 42.1808 -112.2620 4154 Nature conservation officer 1962-01-19 a1a22d70485983eac12b5b88dad1cf95 1325376051 43.150704 -112.154481 0
3 3 2019-01-01 00:01:16 3534093764340240 fraud_Kutch, Hermiston and Farrell gas_transport 45.00 Jeremy White M 9443 Cynthia Court Apt. 038 ... 46.2306 -112.1138 1939 Patent attorney 1967-01-12 6b849c168bdad6f867558c3793159a81 1325376076 47.034331 -112.561071 0
4 4 2019-01-01 00:03:06 375534208663984 fraud_Keeling-Crist misc_pos 41.96 Tyler Garcia M 408 Bradley Rest ... 38.4207 -79.4629 99 Dance movement psychotherapist 1986-03-28 a41d7549acf90789359a9aa5346dcb46 1325376186 38.674999 -78.632459 0
#convert dob to age
fullset['dob'] = pd.to_datetime(fullset.dob)
def from_dob_to_age(born):
	today =
	return today.year - born.year - ((today.month, < (born.month,

fullset['Age']=fullset['dob'].apply(lambda x: from_dob_to_age(x))
Let’s visualize if there is any relationship between the target variable and Age. Visualize relationship between is_fraud and age. We can see that majority of fraud happened between age 37 to 65.
fig= plt.figure(figsize=(10,5) )
Then we will check if there is any null value in the dataset.
	Unnamed: 0               0
	trans_date_trans_time    0
	cc_num                   0
	merchant                 0
	category                 0
	amt                      0
	first                    0
	last                     0
	gender                   0
	street                   0
	city                     0
	state                    0
	zip                      0
	lat                      0
	long                     0
	city_pop                 0
	job                      0
	dob                      0
	trans_num                0
	unix_time                0
	merch_lat                0
	merch_long               0
	is_fraud                 0
	Age                      0
Checking for unique values in the dataset
for col in fullset:
	uValue = np.unique(fullset[col])
	rValue = len(uValue)
	if rValue < 50:
		print('Unique values {} total {} --{}'.format(col, rValue, uValue))
		print('Unique Value {} -- {}'.format(col, rValue))
		Unique Value Unnamed: 0 -- 1296675
		Unique values trans_date_trans_time total 24 --[Period('2019-01', 'M') Period('2019-02', 'M') Period('2019-03', 'M')
		 Period('2019-04', 'M') Period('2019-05', 'M') Period('2019-06', 'M')
		 Period('2019-07', 'M') Period('2019-08', 'M') Period('2019-09', 'M')
		 Period('2019-10', 'M') Period('2019-11', 'M') Period('2019-12', 'M')
		 Period('2020-01', 'M') Period('2020-02', 'M') Period('2020-03', 'M')
		 Period('2020-04', 'M') Period('2020-05', 'M') Period('2020-06', 'M')
		 Period('2020-07', 'M') Period('2020-08', 'M') Period('2020-09', 'M')
		 Period('2020-10', 'M') Period('2020-11', 'M') Period('2020-12', 'M')]
		Unique Value cc_num -- 999
		Unique Value merchant -- 693
		Unique values category total 14 --['entertainment' 'food_dining' 'gas_transport' 'grocery_net' 'grocery_pos'
		 'health_fitness' 'home' 'kids_pets' 'misc_net' 'misc_pos' 'personal_care'
		 'shopping_net' 'shopping_pos' 'travel']
		Unique Value amt -- 60616
		Unique Value first -- 355
		Unique Value last -- 486
		Unique values gender total 2 --['F' 'M']
		Unique Value street -- 999
		Unique Value city -- 906
		Unique Value state -- 51
		Unique Value zip -- 985
		Unique Value lat -- 983
		Unique Value long -- 983
		Unique Value city_pop -- 891
		Unique Value job -- 497
		Unique Value dob -- 984
		Unique Value trans_num -- 1852394
		Unique Value unix_time -- 1819583
		Unique Value merch_lat -- 1754157
		Unique Value merch_long -- 1809753
		Unique values is_fraud total 2 --[0 1]
		Unique Value Age -- 80
We want to see the amount of fraud that happening from January 2019 to December 2020.
fraud = fullset.query('is_fraud == 1')  
plt.title('Fraud growths')
It seems, the fraud peaking during the holiday season. We want to see what is category the most targeted by the fraudster.
sns.countplot(y=fraud.category, data=fraud, palette = 'Set3')
plt.title('Fraud Category')
From the graph above, we can see most of the fraud happening through online shopping and grocery point-of-sale networks. Then we want to see the percentage of positive and negative fraud transactions.
	#visual the imbalanced data using charts
	fig= plt.figure(figsize=(10,5) )
	explode = [0, 0.5]
	#labels = ['Fraud', 'Non-Fraud']
	a= fullset["is_fraud"].value_counts(normalize=True).plot.pie(explode=explode, autopct='%1.1f%%')
	0    1842743
	1       9651
The imbalanced ratio is 99.47:0.52 which means that our dataset is highly imbalanced where majority of transactions are legitimate transactions and very few are fraudulent transactions. The machine learning model trained on this data may yield high overall prediction towards majority class since 99.47% samples belong to majority class or class 0. Since our dataset is huge, we treated class imbalance problem using random under-sampling techinque from imblearn.
We want to check the distribution of our data using the histogram.
p = fullset.hist(figsize = (15,15))
We will convert our non numerical dataset to numerical then plot the correlation matrix to see the correlation between each features.
#apply label encoder to the dataset and put in the new dataset
newset = fullset.apply(LabelEncoder().fit_transform)

#plot correlation matrix
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(25,10))  
sns.heatmap(newset.corr(), annot = True, ax=ax, cmap = 'Blues')
We will be dropping is_fraud because we will use it as our y axis and dropping variables which are highly correlated like merch_lat and merch_long
dropvar = ['is_fraud','Unnamed: 0', 'first', 'last', 'dob', 'trans_date_trans_time','trans_num', 'merch_lat', 'merch_long'] 
#create our dependent variables
x = newset.drop(dropvar, axis=1).copy()

#independent variable
y = newset['is_fraud'].copy()

Random Under Sampler

Undersampling is a technique to balance uneven datasets by keeping all of the data in the minority class and decreasing the size of the majority class. It is one of several techniques data scientists can use to extract more accurate information from originally imbalanced datasets.
Since our dataset is highly imbalance, we keep all the data of fraud class and decrease the samples from the non-fraud class.

#import library for random under sampler
import imblearn
from imblearn.under_sampling import RandomUnderSampler
import collections
from collections import Counter

#calling the method and fit it with x and y data
unSampler = RandomUnderSampler(random_state=42, replacement=True)
xund, yund = unSampler.fit_resample(x,y)

print('original dataset shape:', Counter(y))
print('resample dataset shape', Counter(yund))
	original dataset shape: Counter({0: 1842743, 1: 9651})
	resample dataset shape Counter({0: 9651, 1: 9651})
#visual the balanced data using bar chart
underfraud = pd.DataFrame(yund)
sns.countplot(x = 'is_fraud', data = underfraud)
After we implement Random Under Sampler, our target observation become 19302 rows.
We will scale our data and perform PCA to reduce the dimensionality.
#scaling the data
mmscale = MinMaxScaler()
#transform the values
X_scaled = mmscale.fit_transform(xund)
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
pca_15 = PCA(n_components = 15, random_state=2020)
X_pca_15 = pca_15.transform(X_scaled)
#create following plot

plt.xlabel('Number of components')
plt.ylabel('Explained variance')
plt.savefig('elbow_plot.png', dpi= 100)
From the chart above, it shows that the best number of features are 14.
Function for metrix evaluation
score= []

#plot confusion matrixfrom sklearn.metrics import ConfusionMatrixDisplay, accuracy_score
from sklearn.metrics import log_loss, confusion_matrix, roc_auc_score, roc_curve

#plot the confusion matrix
def cm(algo): #it need the model variable after fitting the data
    disp = ConfusionMatrixDisplay(confusion_matrix=confusion_matrix(ytest, algo.predict(xtest)),

#print metrix score
#function to print metrics score
def prints(cmatrix, acctest, acctrain, overfit, logtest, logtrain, precision1,
                  precision0, recall1, recall0, f1, roctest, roctrain):
    print("Confusion Matrix Accuracy Score = {:.2f}%\n".format(cmatrix))
    print("Accuracy Score: Training -> {:.2f}% Testing -> {:.2f}%\n".format(acctrain, acctest))
    print("Overfitting : {:.2f}%".format(overfit))
    print("Log Loss Training-> {} Testing -> {}\n".format(logtrain, logtest))
    print('Precision class 1: {:.2f}%\nPrecision class 0: {:.2f}%'.format(precision1, precision0))
    print('Recall class 1: {:.2f}%\nRecall class 0: {:.2f}%'.format(recall1, recall0))
    print('F1: {:.2f}%'.format(f1)) 
    print('ROC AUC Training-> {:.2f}% Testing-> {:.2f}%'.format(roctrain, roctest))

#function add metrics score to list
def insertlist(name, cmatrix, acctest, acctrain,overfit, logtest, logtrain, precision1,
					precision0, recall1, recall0, f1, roctest, roctrain):
	score.append([name, cmatrix, acctest, acctrain,overfit, logtest, logtrain, precision1,
					precision0, recall1, recall0, f1, roctest, roctrain])

# Plot Roc Curve
def auc_plot(algo):
	#create AUC curve
	test_prob = algo.predict_proba(xtest)[::,1]
	train_prob = algo.predict_proba(xtrain)[::,1]
	roctest = roc_auc_score(ytest, test_prob)
	roctrain = roc_auc_score(ytrain, train_prob)
	fpr_test, tpr_test, _ = roc_curve(ytest,  test_prob)
	fpr_train, tpr_train, _ = roc_curve(ytrain,  train_prob)
	plt.title("Area Under Curve")
	plt.plot(fpr_test,tpr_test,label="AUC Test="+str(roctest))
	plt.plot(fpr_train,tpr_train,label="AUC Train="+str(roctrain))
	plt.ylabel('True Positive Rate')
	plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate')

#metrix function 
def scr(algo, name): #algo = model, name = string of the model name
	predtest = algo.predict(xtest)
	predtrain = algo.predict(xtrain)
	#confussion matrix percentage
	tn, fp, fn, tp = confusion_matrix(ytest, predtest).ravel()
	tst = ytest.count()
	cmatrix = ((tn + tp)/tst)*100    

	#accuracy score
	acctest = (accuracy_score(ytest, predtest))*100
	acctrain = (accuracy_score(ytrain, predtrain))*100
	overfit = acctrain - acctest

	#log loss
	logtest = log_loss(ytest,predtest)
	logtrain = log_loss(ytrain,predtrain)
	#classification report
	precision1 = (tp / (tp+fp))*100
	precision0 = (tn/(tn+fn))*100
	recall1 = (tp/(tp+fn))*100
	recall0 = (tn/(tn+fp))*100
	f1 = 2*(precision1 * recall1)/(precision1 + recall1)

	#roc auc score
	test_prob = algo.predict_proba(xtest)[::,1]
	train_prob = algo.predict_proba(xtrain)[::,1]
	roctest = (roc_auc_score(ytest, test_prob))*100
	roctrain = (roc_auc_score(ytrain, train_prob))*100

	insertlist(name, cmatrix, acctest, acctrain, overfit, logtest, logtrain, precision1,
				precision0, recall1, recall0, f1, roctest, roctrain)      
	#print metrics score
	return prints(cmatrix, acctest, acctrain, overfit, logtest, logtrain, precision1,
					precision0, recall1, recall0, f1, roctest, roctrain)
Split our dataset into training and testing
xtrain, xtest, ytrain, ytest = train_test_split(x_pca, yund, test_size=0.3, random_state=42)

Model 1 - Support Vector Machine

from sklearn.svm import SVC

#build SVM classification
SVM1 = SVC(random_state = 42, probability=True), ytrain)
scr(SVM1, 'SVM1')

	Confusion Matrix Accuracy Score = 86.22%

	Accuracy Score: Training -> 86.94% Testing -> 86.22%

	Overfitting : 0.72%
	Log Loss Training-> 4.511955968344787 Testing -> 4.759453002690722

	Precision class 1: 97.25%
	Precision class 0: 79.36%
	Recall class 1: 74.55%
	Recall class 0: 97.89%
	F1: 84.40%
	ROC AUC Training-> 91.93% Testing-> 88.39%
From the confusion matrix, the accuracy score is 86.22%. Next, we will try to improve the prediction using cross validation to optimise the hyperparameters. Cross-validation systematically creates and evaluates multiple models on multiple subsets of the dataset.
kfold = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=10, shuffle=True, random_state=42)
param_grid = [
		'C': [1, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30], 
		'gamma': ['scale', 0.001, 0.01],
		'kernel': ['rbf','linear','sigmoid']

#tuning the model using gridsearchCV and stratifiedkfold
optimal_param = GridSearchCV(
	SVC(), param_grid, cv=kfold, scoring='accuracy', verbose = 2)
	#fitting the tuned model with training dataset, ytrain)

#print the best parameter
	{'C': 15, 'gamma': 'scale', 'kernel': 'rbf'}
#build the model with hyperparameter tuning
optimal_param = SVC(random_state = 42, probability=True, C=20, gamma='scale', kernel='rbf'),ytrain)
#print metrics score
scr(optimal_param, 'SVM_tuned')
#plot confusion matrix for the tuned model
#plot the learning curve
	Confusion Matrix Accuracy Score = 87.65%

	Accuracy Score: Training -> 93.07% Testing -> 87.65%

	Overfitting : 5.42%
	Log Loss Training-> 2.392745485940981 Testing -> 4.26443851713289

	Precision class 1: 93.15%
	Precision class 0: 83.39%
	Recall class 1: 81.28%
	Recall class 0: 94.02%
	F1: 86.82%
	ROC AUC Training-> 97.61% Testing-> 93.11%
Before Tuning Accuracy Score - 86.22%
After Tuning Accuracy score is 87.71%
However, model is slightly overfit after hypertuning.

Model 2 - Logistic Regression

#create logistic regression model
logreg = LogisticRegression()
#fitting the model with training dataset, ytrain)
scr(logreg, 'Logreg')
	Confusion Matrix Accuracy Score = 84.63%

	Accuracy Score: Training -> 85.06% Testing -> 84.63%

	Overfitting : 0.43%
	Log Loss Training-> 5.15872999693614 Testing -> 5.308178710927689

	Precision class 1: 92.04%
	Precision class 0: 79.44%
	Recall class 1: 75.83%
	Recall class 0: 93.44%
	F1: 83.15%
	ROC AUC Training-> 85.19% Testing-> 84.35%
The accuracy score is 84.63%, it's lower compared to SVM. We will tune the model using grid search cross validation.
log_param = [
		'C': [0.01, 0.1, 1.0, 10, 100], 
		'penalty': ['l2'],
		'solver': ['newton-cg', 'sag','saga'] 

#tuned the model using gridsearch and kfold
opt_log = GridSearchCV(LogisticRegression(), param_grid = log_param, scoring='accuracy', cv=kfold, verbose = 2)

#fit the tuned model with training dataset, ytrain) 
	{'C': 0.01, 'penalty': 'l2', 'solver': 'newton-cg'}
opt_log = LogisticRegression(random_state = 42, C=0.012, penalty = 'l2', solver = 'sag' ), ytrain)
scr(opt_log, 'logreg_tuned')
	Confusion Matrix Accuracy Score = 85.17%

	Accuracy Score: Training -> 85.54% Testing -> 85.17%

	Overfitting : 0.37%
	Log Loss Training-> 4.9951177071719135 Testing -> 5.123281655199142

	Precision class 1: 93.81%
	Precision class 0: 79.37%
	Recall class 1: 75.31%
	Recall class 0: 95.03%
	F1: 83.55%
	ROC AUC Training-> 84.62% Testing-> 83.81%
Before Tuning Accuracy = 84.63%
After Tuning Accuracy = 85.17%
Overfitting is reduced as well.

Model 3 - Random Forest

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
RF = RandomForestClassifier()
#fit the model with training dataset, ytrain)
scr(RF, 'RF')
	Confusion Matrix Accuracy Score = 88.57%

	Accuracy Score: Training -> 100.00% Testing -> 88.57%

	Overfitting : 11.43%
	Log Loss Training-> 9.992007221626413e-16 Testing -> 3.948323732826286

	Precision class 1: 96.23%
	Precision class 0: 83.08%
	Recall class 1: 80.28%
	Recall class 0: 96.86%
	F1: 87.54%
	ROC AUC Training-> 100.00% Testing-> 93.87%
The accuracy score is 88.50%, it's higher compared to SVM and Logistic Regression. However, the model is overfitting as the training accuracy score is 100%
# Number of trees in random forest
n_estimators = [int(x) for x in np.linspace(start = 100, stop = 1000, num = 50)]
# Number of features to consider at every split
max_features = ['auto', 'sqrt']
# Maximum number of levels in tree
max_depth = [int(x) for x in np.linspace(1, 100, num = 10)]
# Minimum number of samples required to split a node
min_samples_split = [2, 5, 10, 15, 100]
# Minimum number of samples required at each leaf node
min_samples_leaf = [1, 2, 5, 10, 50, 100]
# Method of selecting samples for training each tree
bootstrap = [True, False]

random_grid = {'n_estimators': n_estimators,
				'max_features': max_features,
				'max_depth': max_depth,
				'min_samples_split': min_samples_split,
				'min_samples_leaf': min_samples_leaf,
				'bootstrap': bootstrap}

#implement parameter tuning using randomized search cv and kfold
opt_RF = RandomizedSearchCV(estimator = RF, param_distributions = random_grid, n_iter = 100, cv = kfold, verbose=2, random_state=42, n_jobs = -1)
#fit the model with training dataset, ytrain) 
print(opt_RF.best_params_) #best parameter tuning result
	{'n_estimators': 853, 'min_samples_split': 5, 'min_samples_leaf': 1, 'max_features': 'sqrt', 'max_depth': 78, 'bootstrap': False}
#build the model with hyperparameter tuning
opt_RF = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators= 600, min_samples_split= 5, min_samples_leaf= 2,max_features= 'auto',max_depth= 6), ytrain)
scr(opt_RF, 'RF_tuned')
	Confusion Matrix Accuracy Score = 85.74%

	Accuracy Score: Training -> 86.15% Testing -> 85.74%

	Overfitting : 0.42%
	Log Loss Training-> 4.782934449404927 Testing -> 4.926456581166755

	Precision class 1: 95.55%
	Precision class 0: 79.40%
	Recall class 1: 74.97%
	Recall class 0: 96.51%
	F1: 84.02%
	ROC AUC Training-> 90.47% Testing-> 87.91%

Model 4 - Decision Tree

#import the library
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
#create the model
decTree = DecisionTreeClassifier()
#fit the model with training data, ytrain)
scr(decTree, 'decTree')
	Confusion Matrix Accuracy Score = 82.90%

	Accuracy Score: Training -> 100.00% Testing -> 82.90%

	Overfitting : 17.10%
	Log Loss Training-> 9.992007221626413e-16 Testing -> 5.904643831404563

	Precision class 1: 82.68%
	Precision class 0: 83.13%
	Recall class 1: 83.25%
	Recall class 0: 82.56%
	F1: 82.97%
	ROC AUC Training-> 100.00% Testing-> 82.90%
#parameter variables
criterion = ['gini', 'entropy']
max_depth = [3,6,9]
min_samples_split = [3,6,9]
min_samples_leaf = [2,4,8]

#put the variables to dict
random_tree = {'criterion': criterion,
				'max_depth': max_depth,
				'min_samples_split': min_samples_split,
				'min_samples_leaf': min_samples_leaf}

#implement hyperparameter tuning to the model
opt_decTree = DecisionTreeClassifier(min_samples_split = 7, min_samples_leaf = 40, max_depth = 5)
#fit the model with training dataset, ytrain) 
#fit the model with training dataset, ytrain) 
	{'min_samples_split': 9, 'min_samples_leaf': 8, 'max_depth': 9, 'criterion': 'gini'}
	Confusion Matrix Accuracy Score = 85.81%

	Accuracy Score: Training -> 89.08% Testing -> 85.81%
	Overfitting : 3.27%
	Log Loss Training-> 3.773181988317355 Testing -> 4.90261131447784
	Precision class 1: 92.43%
	Precision class 0: 80.97%
	Recall class 1: 78.00%
	Recall class 0: 93.61%
	F1: 84.61%
	ROC AUC Training-> 94.47% Testing-> 89.99%

Model 5 - K-Nearest Neighbor

from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier

#build the model
neigh = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=3)
#fit the model with training dataset, ytrain)
scr(neigh, 'KNN')
	Confusion Matrix Accuracy Score = 82.01%

	Accuracy Score: Training -> 91.15% Testing -> 82.01%

	Overfitting : 9.14%
	Log Loss Training-> 3.0574194329192323 Testing -> 6.214775759201414

	Precision class 1: 83.61%
	Precision class 0: 80.55%
	Recall class 1: 79.63%
	Recall class 0: 84.39%
	F1: 81.57%
	ROC AUC Training-> 97.18% Testing-> 88.02%
The accuracy score is 83.15%, it's the lowest accuracy compared to the other algorithms. Also, this model has overfitting problem.
tuning_params = {
	'n_neighbors' : [71,75,77,83], #from the plot above

#implement hyperparameter tuning to the model
opt_knn = GridSearchCV(neigh, param_grid = tuning_params, cv = kfold, verbose = 1, n_jobs = -1)
#fit the model with training dataset, ytrain) 
scr(opt_knn, 'knn_tuned')
	{'leaf_size': 5, 'n_neighbors': 83, 'p': 1}

	Confusion Matrix Accuracy Score = 85.24%

	Accuracy Score: Training -> 85.66% Testing -> 85.24%
	Overfitting : 0.43%
	Log Loss Training-> 4.951649723316238 Testing -> 5.099414020217411
	Precision class 1: 96.96%
	Precision class 0: 78.19%
	Recall class 1: 72.76%
	Recall class 0: 97.72%
	F1: 83.13%
	ROC AUC Training-> 90.07% Testing-> 88.92%

Model 6 - Artificial Neural Network

Let's say we want to split the data in 60:20:20 for train:valid:test dataset. In the first step we will split the data in training and remaining dataset. Since we want the valid and test size to be equal (10% each of overall data). We have to define valid_size=0.5 (that is 50% of remaining data)
Xtrain, xrem, Ytrain, yrem = train_test_split(xtrain,ytrain, train_size=0.6)
xvalid, xtest, yvalid, ytest = train_test_split(xrem,yrem, test_size=0.5)	
#build the model
ann.compile(optimizer='adam',loss='binary_crossentropy',metrics=['accuracy', tf.keras.metrics.AUC()])
#train the model,Ytrain,epochs=30,validation_data=(xvalid,yvalid))
testeval1 = ann.evaluate(xtest, ytest)
traineval1 = ann.evaluate(xvalid, yvalid)
for element in yprediction:
    if element>0.5:

#plot confusion matrix
cmt =tf.math.confusion_matrix(labels=ytest,predictions=ypred)
#print the metrics score
calc(ann, 'ann', testeval1, traineval1, cmt) 
	Confusion Matrix Accuracy Score = 86.24%

	Accuracy Score: Training -> 85.09% Testing -> 86.24%
	Overfitting : -1.15%
	Log Loss Training-> 0.35751211643218994 Testing -> 0.3230932652950287
	Precision class 1: 96.95%
	Precision class 0: 79.77%
	Recall class 1: 74.30%
	Recall class 0: 97.75%
	F1: 84.13%
	ROC AUC Training-> 90.58% Testing-> 91.87%
#train the model,Ytrain,epochs=50,batch_size = 15,validation_data=(xvalid,yvalid))
calc(opt_ann, 'ann_tuned', testeval, traineval, cm1)
cm1 =tf.math.confusion_matrix(labels=ytest,predictions=ypred1)
	Confusion Matrix Accuracy Score = 86.72%

	Accuracy Score: Training -> 85.09% Testing -> 86.24%

	Overfitting : -1.15%
	Log Loss Training-> 0.35751211643218994 Testing -> 0.3230932652950287

	Precision class 1: 96.36%
	Precision class 0: 80.65%
	Recall class 1: 75.81%
	Recall class 0: 97.24%
	F1: 84.86%
	ROC AUC Training-> 90.58% Testing-> 91.87%

Model 7 - Convolutional Neural Networks

cnn.add(Conv1D(32,2, activation='relu',input_shape=Xtrain[0].shape))

cnn.add(Conv1D(64,2, activation='relu'))


cntesteval = cnn.evaluate(xtest, ytest)
cntraineval = cnn.evaluate(Xtrain,Ytrain)
for element in cnypredict:
    if element>0.5:
cm2 =tf.math.confusion_matrix(labels=ytest,predictions=ypred2)

calc(cnn, 'cnn', cntesteval, cntraineval, cm2)
	Confusion Matrix Accuracy Score = 86.68%

	Accuracy Score: Training -> 86.53% Testing -> 86.68%

	Overfitting : -0.15%
	Log Loss Training-> 0.35620877146720886 Testing -> 0.3592900037765503

	Precision class 1: 96.99%
	Precision class 0: 80.35%
	Recall class 1: 75.21%
	Recall class 0: 97.75%
	F1: 84.72%
	ROC AUC Training-> 90.13% Testing-> 89.15%
cnnmax.add(Conv1D(32,2, activation='relu',input_shape=Xtrain[0].shape))

cnnmax.add(Conv1D(64,2, activation='relu'))




calc(cnn, 'cnn_tuned', maxtesteval, maxtraineval, cm3)
#plot confusion matrix
cm3 =tf.math.confusion_matrix(labels=ytest,predictions=ypred3)
	Confusion Matrix Accuracy Score = 77.28%

	Accuracy Score: Training -> 78.63% Testing -> 77.28%

	Overfitting : 1.35%
	Log Loss Training-> 0.46808817982673645 Testing -> 0.48547038435935974

	Precision class 1: 89.22%
	Precision class 0: 71.24%
	Recall class 1: 61.12%
	Recall class 0: 92.88%
	F1: 72.54%
	ROC AUC Training-> 85.53% Testing-> 83.94%


scoring = pd.DataFrame(score, columns = ['algo','c_matrix','acc_test','acc_train','overfit', 'loss_test',
	'loss_train', 'prec1', 'prec0', 'recall1','recall0', 'F1', 'roctest', 'roctrain'])
algo c_matrix acc_test acc_train overfit loss_test loss_train prec1 prec0 recall1 recall0 F1 roctest roctrain
0 SVM1 86.219997 86.219997 86.936570 0.716574 4.759453 4.511956e+00 97.252252 79.361523 74.551105 97.892919 84.401876 88.385672 91.927927
1 SVM_tuned 87.653255 87.653255 93.072311 5.419056 4.264439 2.392745e+00 93.153937 83.394608 81.284530 94.024180 86.815416 93.105302 97.606863
2 Logreg 84.631324 84.631324 85.064022 0.432697 5.308179 5.158730e+00 92.036882 79.441997 75.828729 93.436960 83.150322 84.346487 85.189161
3 logreg_tuned 85.166638 85.166638 85.537710 0.371072 5.123282 4.995118e+00 93.806452 79.371033 75.310773 95.025907 83.547213 83.811320 84.624693
4 RF 88.568468 88.568468 100.000000 11.431532 3.948324 9.992007e-16 96.233444 83.081481 80.283149 96.856649 87.537651 93.873451 100.000000
5 RF_tuned 88.982905 88.982905 100.000000 11.017095 3.805185 9.992007e-16 95.597738 84.042232 81.733425 96.234888 88.123604 94.519837 100.000000
6 RF_tuned 85.736488 85.736488 86.152024 0.415537 4.926457 4.782934e+00 95.554577 79.397556 74.965470 96.511226 84.017028 87.914007 90.470434
7 decTree 82.904507 82.904507 100.000000 17.095493 5.904644 9.992007e-16 82.681756 83.130435 83.252762 82.556131 82.966277 82.904447 100.000000
8 decTree_tuned 85.805560 85.805560 89.075568 3.270008 4.902611 3.773182e+00 92.430442 80.968031 78.004144 93.609672 84.606742 89.989355 94.472079
9 decTree_tuned 85.391124 85.391124 86.129820 0.738696 5.045744 4.790606e+00 94.759825 79.263068 74.930939 95.854922 83.686849 88.834197 90.058876
10 KNN 82.006562 82.006562 91.147954 9.141392 6.214776 3.057419e+00 83.611313 80.547313 79.627072 84.386874 81.570570 88.016352 97.184685
11 knn_tuned 85.287515 85.287515 85.663533 0.376018 5.081522 4.951650e+00 96.794872 78.319933 72.997238 97.582038 83.228346 89.064966 90.235731
12 knn_tuned 85.235711 85.235711 85.663533 0.427823 5.099414 4.951650e+00 96.962724 78.192371 72.755525 97.720207 83.132768 88.920260 90.068988
13 ann 86.237514 86.237514 85.085124 -1.152390 0.323093 3.575121e-01 96.951819 79.774614 74.302939 97.747093 84.129693 91.869640 90.576106
14 ann_tuned 86.718461 86.237514 85.085124 -1.152390 0.323093 3.575121e-01 96.360153 80.650995 75.810098 97.238372 84.858709 91.869640 90.576106
15 cnn 86.681465 86.681467 86.528498 -0.152969 0.359290 3.562088e-01 96.987366 80.346476 75.207234 97.747093 84.719864 89.148206 90.132415
16 cnn_tuned 77.284499 77.284497 78.633112 1.348615 0.485470 4.680882e-01 89.218922 71.237458 61.115298 92.877907 72.540250 83.936465 85.533202
Seven algorithms from Machine Learning and Deep Learning were conducted to determine the most predictive classifier for credit card fraud detection. These projects constructed from two datasets and combine into one, with extreme imbalance classification problems that solved using Imblearn’s Random Under Sampling to make the class is balanced. Some models have a high accuracy score; however, the overfitting cannot be avoided. For example, Decision Tree and Random Forest have a high accuracy score of 100% in the training phase yet their overfitting percentage is more than 10%.

Hyperparameter tuning, K-Fold cross-validation and validation curves are applied to cope with the overfitting problem and to improve the accuracy. As a result, the overfit in Random Forest and Decision Tree are dropped by almost 10% by changing some of the parameters, and the accuracy score is also increased for Decision Tree from 82.90% to 85.39%.

For future benefits, we selected three algorithms with the lowest percentage of overfitting as they will generalise well to new data. If the model can generalise the data well, it also could perform the classification or prediction task that was intended for. Consequently, we picked Logistic Regression, Decision Trees and CNN as our final algorithm for the credit card fraud detection problem.